This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Monday, March 27, 2006

24: Episode 15, 9 PM - 10 PM

Key Words: , ,

The "24" blog might be a bit delayed for a couple minutes because the fantasy baseball draft is going long.
9:03: Sanctioned or ordered?
9:07: This is either staged or leading to something… Oh, it's leading to something. They just got themselves a police escort.
9:09: Chloe got all that in that short of a time? Interesting. Walt and Audrey sitting in a tree.
9:11: There should be something in Jack Bauer's contract that forbids him from taking parts in movies in which his character wears sunglasses and runs around with guns all day. I heard he was in a "24" like movie, but I just saw the commercial for the first time?
9:14: Do you think this is what Audrey and Jack Bauer are like when they're dating. The lies about who slept with whom and how many times, which country I betrayed what time, the shouting. They need couple's therapy.
9:17: Damn it, Audrey, tell the truth.
9:17: JR hates Jack Bauer and says he is disgusting. But what do you expect? She's lying to Jack Bauer about sleeping with someone who is a traitor. Audrey said it herself!
9:17: Throw the table, Jack Bauer, throw it! There, don't you feel better?
9:21: How much do you think that guy's going to regret tasering Jack Bauer? A lot. He's going to get the label around the office of "The guy who tasered Jack." People won't sit with him in the breakroom. And soon he'll take another job. It's like that in every office.
9:26: It's crazy how much they're talking about Audrey "sleeping with" people. You'd think in a moment of stress they'd be tossing around at least one other euphemism.
9:27: Jack Bauer sounds paranoid right here. Talking about double super secret back up pans.
9:30: Shoot. I forgot to mark this stuff. NJBD: 4 (cops and guards at gas plant)
JBKC: 1 (guard and then he got tasered)
9:37: Where did DP''s brother get that assault rifle from?
9:39: JBKC: 1 (guard)
9:39: Jack Bauer is upset. Believe me, Collette, you won't like Jack Bauer when he's angry.
9:44: That was great. The new girl works out the problem then imagines sexual harassment. I'm hearing it from JR and JMS that I should be mad at Fox for their portrayal of women who claim sexual harassment as insane. I'd like to take this opportunity to declare my reprehension with Fox's behavior.
9:44: Who are these paramilitary men and who do they think they're shooting at with no silencers on the Presidential Retreat.
9:49: OK, ready to watch
9:50: It's amazing what they can and can't do at any given time. Some weeks they can't decide what to get on the pizza and some weeks Chloe can tell a helicopter pilot the right flight vector Chloe knew what "Flight Vector" to give the pilot so they could avoid detection? Uhh, really? Welcome to the "Magical 24 Hour"
9:52:JBKC 3: (Baddies), NJBD:2 (Curtis shot the other baddy and one of the C.T.U. dudes got it)
9:56: Run Jack Bauer! RUN! Jack Bauer doesn't run, he walks in a whisper and the world spins faster for him.

5 JBKC, 1 tortures, 6 NJBD, Prediction Ratio n/a
The JBKC had a pretty quiet episode last week, but Jack Bauer brought us all back into focus this week with 5 JBKCs. Sorry I wasn't very attentive at the beginning of the episode, but if it makes you feel better, I ended up with BJ Upton on my baseball team.
Totals for the season, 27 JBKCs, 5 tortures, 113 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 45% (5 out of 11)

Monday, March 20, 2006

24: Episode 14, 8 PM - 9 PM

Key Words: , ,

It seems like 3 or 4 times a year there are let down episodes. I think this might be one of those episodes. Basically, the let down episode follows about 2-3 weeks of totally crazy hysteria. There was a let down episode after the airport hostage situation. We'll see. Also, how many of you think Sean Astin thought his cameo on "24" was going to be a bigger deal than it was?
9:02: Wait, so Christopher was able to escape before the lock down? What? How? Weren't they in lock down? Doesn't it stand to reason that they should have been in lock down? And they're just going to let him get away? He just killed Tony!
9:03: At some point they're going to have to have some scene of resolution between Manning and Jack Bauer.
9:04: First Lady, this is your last chance.
9:04: 40% of C.T.U. was killed or unable to work? Jack Bauer counts for about 58.5% of the remaining 60%.
9:06: President Logan is such a douchebag.
9:08: Wow, do you think Miles uses his "Priority Admin Directive" line with any success at the bars?
9:09: I'm glad that Wayne Palmer is back in the picture.
9:10:"They're talking about the legality of my decision." You mean, like the NSA wiretap program you ordered a couple weeks ago?
9:16: 56, huh? That's a TON of NJBKs.
9:17: It's strange, normal TV situational circumstances dictates that the tension between C.T.U. and Homeland is going to come to a head. But I just don't see how that can realistically happen.
9:18: How do they not know she left? Didn’t they coordinate with hotel security at all? Curtis and his Action Boys are generally a bit more professional, usually.
9:19: This is a foreign agent from another country. I guarantee it! Prediction.
9:20: I WIN! Finally. It's been a long time since I predicted something right.
9:22: I really want Jack Bauer to tell the German spy "I don't work for your government, or mine."
9:28: Jack Bauer doesn't negotiate with terrorists. But he does negotiate with spies.
9:29: Wet List, huh? Weird.
9:30: Wet List, Wet Lap? What's the difference? That's the oldest one in the book. Good thing Miles is so smitten with Chloe he has no idea.
9:38: The Vice President gets involved in this type of decision? No. He doesn't, that's certain. The Vice President has no role in the "appropriate chain of command".
9:41: What, are they going to fire Chloe again today?
9:43: Say it, Jack Bauer, say it: "I don't work for you, Karen Hayes, I don't care about you or your bullshit repercussions!"
9:45: That was a little "Alias" of the writers. The spies are in love and undercover.
9:46: That was kind of nice of Jack Bauer to call the spy he just betrayed. It must be hard to be Jack Bauer or any of his friends. Or anybody he comes into contact with.
9:53: Jack Bauer gives immunity to people like it's going out of style. He sells immunity on ebay.
9:53: You think Teo is going to come rescue her?
9:53: Jack Bauer does what he wants around here.
9:55: Apparently, the idea of a black president was so distasteful to America that the government assassinates him when he gets out of office. And his brother, too. This government is so… how do you say it? It's like the inmates are factory, you know they're not supposed to be there, but they won't take know for an answer and they're totally destroying the factory.
9:56: Audrey Raines. Wow, nobody expected that. We'll have to see how this plays out. Someone should do a study into whether or not characters remain good from year to year. Or do you think it was someone pretending to be Audrey Raines?

0 JBKC, 0 tortures, 56 NJBD, Prediction Ratio 100% (1 for 1)
Well, what can I say, was that a let down show or was that a let down show?
Totals for the season, 22 JBKCs, 4 tortures, 107 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 45% (5 out of 11).

Monday, March 13, 2006

24: Episode 13, 7 PM - 8 PM

Key Words: , ,

Barry Landis is going to get it today, and Jack Bauer is the one that's going to give it to him.
9:05: Oh man, Barry Landis, you don't even know.
9:05: Kim looks so proud of Barry Landis. It's like Jack Bauer is supposed to forget that Kim has been dating older guys her whole life. You're not shocking anyone, Kim.
9:05: I want Lynn McGill to imperiously berate the red shirted guard. "I didn't know my junky sister was going to jump me, I was embarrassed!"
9:07: NJBD 1: (C.T.U. Doctor)
9:08: Tony Almeda does what he want to around here. "My name is Tony Almeda, you killed my wife, prepare to die. MY NAME IS TONY ALMEDA, YOU KILLED MY WIFE, PREPARE TO DIE!"
9:10: It's hard to interrogate someone after you put antifreeze into them.
9:10: 40%, huh?
9:11: Why do so many people shuffle in and out of command of C.T.U.?
9:12: If you were in Las Vegas playing poker and President Logan sat down at your table would it be impossible for you to stop giggling to yourself and planning what you were going to do with all of his money? Conversely, how fast would you move away from a Black Jack table that President Logan was sitting at? You know he hits 16 all the time stealing your Queen.
9:16: Strike One, Barry Landis! (You don't need to be qualified…)
9:17: Strike Two, Barry Landis! (You have no idea what I'm doing…)
9:18: Barry Landis has really silly eyebrows and he knows how to use them.
9:19: There's a marriage joke in there about "constitutional rank", but I'm not sure what it is. I feel like a failure.
9:22: I don't believe Jack Bauer would have a go bag and not have some sort of gas mask protection in it.
9:27: So there's all this space that's not contaminated, why don't all the peeps go into the other C.T. U. secret passage ways?
9:28: Barry Landis wants everyone to breathe. Barry Landis keeps talking about breathing, when the underlying drama is that everyone's going to die because they won't be able to breathe.
9:31: Come on. Really? They're going to make Harry Swinton kill himself. And they're not going to make him have kids or anything? And what about Lynn McGill's mom? She's going to lose 2 of her kids on the same day?
9:37: Chloe hates Barry Landis, Jack Bauer hates Barry Landis, I bet Kim starts hating Barry Landis soon.
9:38: Oh man. Harry Swinton does have kids. Sheesh.
9:40: Come on Harry, make it, please. I want this. DAMN IT. This makes me sadder than Edgar dying.
9:41: I can't believe they just did a close up of Lynn McGill's mouth while he was dying. TWICE.
9:42: NJBD: 2 (Harry Swinton and Lynn McGill)
9:43: Jack Bauer wants to spend "one day" with Kim Bauer explaining everything. Can you imagine anything worse than a "24" styled show about Kim and Jack Bauer hanging out? There would be three full episodes of them waking up and traveling to the meeting spot.
9:48: Now it's Charles Logan's turn to be proud of something shitty. He's the reason presidents don't write their own speeches.
9:49: What do you think it was like planning a wedding with Charles Logan? "Damn it, Martha, I don't know if I want the filet or the salmon. I don't know how much more of this I can take."
9:50: Wait a second, did you see how the terrorist dialed his phone? He just tapped on it with his forefinger. Did they make a new kind of cell phone that's easier to dial?
9:53: It's a little late to be kissing ass, Barry Landis, what are you thinking?
9:54: Where are all these C.T.U. agents in full battle gear come from. Didn't THEY have a bag with a gas mask in it? Unbelievable. They have helmets and no gas masks?
9:55: NJBD: 1 (Agent Burke)
9:55: NJBD: 1 (Tony Almeda) I did not see that happening. It's too bad Tony knocked out all the doctors, isn't it?

0 JBKC, 0 tortures, 5 NJBD, Prediction Ratio 0% (0 for 1)
We still don't have an accurate count of how many C.T.U. staff died. I was wrong about both Tony Almeda predictions. But how long do you think it takes Jack Bauer to tell Karen Hayes he doesn't work for her?
Totals for the season, 22 JBKCs, 4 tortures, 51 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 40% (4 out of 10).

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

24: Episode 12, 6 PM - 7 PM

9:01: Here's the thing that bugs me. There's no way the terrorists could plan on having that key card. Unless that key card guy's only job is to track the junkies of greater Los Angeles looking for someone with a relative that has security clearance. That means there's no way they'd be able to set up a plan to attack C.T.U. "24" is asking me to suspend my disbelief too much.
9:03: Buchannon asked, "What is Kim Bauer doing here?" What he meant was "What's Kim Bauer doing here without Chase and his baby?"
9:04: Yeah, Christopher. We know you love Jack Bauer's. And we know why, too, you filthy, filthy man.
9:05: Again, we're supposed to believe that Jack Bauer was pretending to be dead but wasn't getting updates on his daughter. You know he'd be living in her basement without her knowing it.
9:07: This is the Cheneyesque executive privilege character. Come on, Mike, let's federalize the National Guard and use the military inappropriately. Yet another example of "24" imitating life.
9:09: Christopher seems to think that telling Jack Bauer that he doesn't want to know what he knows will make it OK. I don't think that's the right plan.
9:14: Would they have mentioned Barry Landis twice by name if he wasn't going to have some larger role than Kim Bauer's boyfriend?
9:15: Easy Barry Landis, Jack Bauer will interrogate you if you're not careful.
9:19: There's no reason why the terrorist would set the time on the gas for longer 10 minutes, which means there should be some resolution on that during this episode.
9:20: Come on, Bill, you need my gun. Put me back on the force. Sorry, Tony.
9:21: My prediction is that Tony does something about the gas…
9:23: The teacher becomes the taught. Christopher Henderson, meet Jack Bauer. Torture: 1 (Christopher Henderson)
9:29: Mike Novick must hate the fact that the only hope the Constitution has against the crazy VP, Hal Gardner, and President Logan rests in the hands of a crazy lady.
9:32: Edgar, Edgar, Edgar. You're never going to get the opportunity to eat Carrie if you snap at her.
9:35: She had already dialed and the ice pick man didn't shut her phone off. That should be a problem for ice pick man. NJBD: 1 (Carrie)
9:42: You've got to tell them, Lynn. They're going to find your wallet any minute. That's when the trouble will really start.
9:43: Lynn McGill shall now be referred to as Mini-Bush.
9:44: Tony and Chris, sitting in a tree, K-I-L-L-I-N-G. Prediction Two: Tony does something to Chris.
9:51: NJBD: 1 (CTU Red Shirt)
9:52: JBKC: 1 (Terrorist)
9:56: And thus ended the heavy life of Edgar. Maybe because he's so big, he'll be able to make it? That scene was like watching King Kong die.
1 JBKC, 1 torture, 2 NJBD, Prediction Ratio 0% (0 for 1)
One of my predictions for Tony, was proved untrue and yet, the preview of next week implies there may be hope yet. I'll count the full amount of C.T.U. deaths next week. TV on the airplane rocks! One day I hope to meet one of the writers of 24 to ask what they're doing with all the unfavorable representations of real life Republicans. Or else, I'd like to ask a real life Republican what they think of the obvious references on the show. The main reason they killed Edgar off was because Louis Lombardi was eating all of the food back stage. Is his character still alive on The Sopranos?
Totals for the season, 22 JBKCs, 4 torture, 46 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 40% (4 out of 9).

24: Episode 11, 5 PM - 6 PM

Today's edition of the 24 Blog comes to you from 30,000 feet above the eastern seaboard. I'm currently on Jetblue flight 1208 from PBI to Logan International. Last week when I saw that "24" was going to be 2 hours long, I disappointedly thought I'd miss not one, but two episodes tonight. Thanks to the magic of technology, and Jetblue's partnership with Direct TV I should be able to watch both episodes with minor interruptions for safety announcements. Without further adieu…
8:02: Tony! Tony! Tony! Actually, why is Tony being treated at C.T.U.? I know they have hospitals for explosion victims.
8:04: Why does Tony need talk to Jack? I'm missing this dialogue because the captain is telling us about…
8:30: Oops. I forgot you're not allowed to have laptops turned on during take off. Sorry for the missing minutes, federal regulations and all.
8:31: I've missed almost everything during this episode except that Tyler Memorial Hospital is in a lot of trouble. The pilot is so chatty, sheesh.
8:32: If Martha Logan isn't careful, she's going to kiss Aaron Pierce.
8:41: If there's anything to say about Christopher Henderson, at least he uses a Mac.
8:41: Mrs. Henderson's wife is REALLY annoying.
8:43: C.T.U. seems to be getting lots of lucky bounces during this hour. Come on, controlling the First Lady's philandering is definitely NOT Mike Novick's job.
8:44: Is shutting off the air not an option? It seems that's the easiest solution.
8:52: Regular people don't run into people that tried to kill them only an hour before. Jack Bauer runs into these people three times a day.
8:53: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. 1 torture (Miriam). "Miriam Henderson has been shot." That happens when you shoot someone, Jack Bauer.
8:54: NJBD: 1 (Terrorist)
8:55: It took 8 minutes for the C.T.U. guys searching the terrorist's body to find the remote detonator. Where do you think it was?
8:55: The football is in motion. This reminds Curtis of when he was a running back in college.
8:57: NJBD: 2 (Lynn McGill's junky sister and her boyfriend). Who didn't know that was going to happen?
0 JBKC, 1 torture, 3 NJBD, Prediction Ratio n/a
I'll save the final thoughts for next episode.
Totals for the season, 21 JBKCs, 3 torture, 44 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 44.4% (4 out of 9).