This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Monday, March 20, 2006

24: Episode 14, 8 PM - 9 PM

Key Words: , ,

It seems like 3 or 4 times a year there are let down episodes. I think this might be one of those episodes. Basically, the let down episode follows about 2-3 weeks of totally crazy hysteria. There was a let down episode after the airport hostage situation. We'll see. Also, how many of you think Sean Astin thought his cameo on "24" was going to be a bigger deal than it was?
9:02: Wait, so Christopher was able to escape before the lock down? What? How? Weren't they in lock down? Doesn't it stand to reason that they should have been in lock down? And they're just going to let him get away? He just killed Tony!
9:03: At some point they're going to have to have some scene of resolution between Manning and Jack Bauer.
9:04: First Lady, this is your last chance.
9:04: 40% of C.T.U. was killed or unable to work? Jack Bauer counts for about 58.5% of the remaining 60%.
9:06: President Logan is such a douchebag.
9:08: Wow, do you think Miles uses his "Priority Admin Directive" line with any success at the bars?
9:09: I'm glad that Wayne Palmer is back in the picture.
9:10:"They're talking about the legality of my decision." You mean, like the NSA wiretap program you ordered a couple weeks ago?
9:16: 56, huh? That's a TON of NJBKs.
9:17: It's strange, normal TV situational circumstances dictates that the tension between C.T.U. and Homeland is going to come to a head. But I just don't see how that can realistically happen.
9:18: How do they not know she left? Didn’t they coordinate with hotel security at all? Curtis and his Action Boys are generally a bit more professional, usually.
9:19: This is a foreign agent from another country. I guarantee it! Prediction.
9:20: I WIN! Finally. It's been a long time since I predicted something right.
9:22: I really want Jack Bauer to tell the German spy "I don't work for your government, or mine."
9:28: Jack Bauer doesn't negotiate with terrorists. But he does negotiate with spies.
9:29: Wet List, huh? Weird.
9:30: Wet List, Wet Lap? What's the difference? That's the oldest one in the book. Good thing Miles is so smitten with Chloe he has no idea.
9:38: The Vice President gets involved in this type of decision? No. He doesn't, that's certain. The Vice President has no role in the "appropriate chain of command".
9:41: What, are they going to fire Chloe again today?
9:43: Say it, Jack Bauer, say it: "I don't work for you, Karen Hayes, I don't care about you or your bullshit repercussions!"
9:45: That was a little "Alias" of the writers. The spies are in love and undercover.
9:46: That was kind of nice of Jack Bauer to call the spy he just betrayed. It must be hard to be Jack Bauer or any of his friends. Or anybody he comes into contact with.
9:53: Jack Bauer gives immunity to people like it's going out of style. He sells immunity on ebay.
9:53: You think Teo is going to come rescue her?
9:53: Jack Bauer does what he wants around here.
9:55: Apparently, the idea of a black president was so distasteful to America that the government assassinates him when he gets out of office. And his brother, too. This government is so… how do you say it? It's like the inmates are factory, you know they're not supposed to be there, but they won't take know for an answer and they're totally destroying the factory.
9:56: Audrey Raines. Wow, nobody expected that. We'll have to see how this plays out. Someone should do a study into whether or not characters remain good from year to year. Or do you think it was someone pretending to be Audrey Raines?

0 JBKC, 0 tortures, 56 NJBD, Prediction Ratio 100% (1 for 1)
Well, what can I say, was that a let down show or was that a let down show?
Totals for the season, 22 JBKCs, 4 tortures, 107 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 45% (5 out of 11).


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