24: Episode 18, 12 AM - 1 AM
Key Words: 24, Jack Bauer,
Is this week's episode going to suck? I sure hope not, and our guest Jen MS hopes not also.
9:02: The president has a cell phone? That he answers by himself? Do you think he has Domino's pizza in the speed dial?
9:03: Here's the thing, "24" has done such a good job of convincing all of us that President Logan is a bumbling moron, that it's impossible to take him seriously as a criminal mastermind. That's one of the main problems with this show, they spend multiple weeks telling us one thing and then just change their minds all of a sudden and we're supposed to go along with it.
9:03: President Logan just hung up on Christopher Henderson, and then Christopher Henderson looked at his phone like, "What the hell, did the president just hang up on me?" That was great.
9:03: I STILL hate those C.T.U. phone rings. Beep Beep, Boobeep.
9:05: I like Bill Buchannon more and more every episode.
9:10: Jack Bauer is going dark. WOAH. Not dark enough, huh, Heller.
9:11: Secretary Heller thinks he's going to take the power back and be able to handle it. You know, Heller, with great power comes great responsibility.
9:16: Sometimes Chloe is good enough to realize there's a sting going on, and sometimes she's not good enough. It all depends on what the writers want to do on any given night.
9:17: Why were those security guards wearing white shirts instead of red shirts? What's going on here?
9:18: Isn't it impossible that President Logan would be able to talk to people like Karen Myers without them figuring out what he's up to.
9:19: Well, well, well, look at Mike Novick watching news updates on his razor phone by Sprint. Available at Sprint stores everywhere.
9:20: Where is Curtis during all of this? Was he replaced by Homeland?
9:21: So now Mike Novick realizes that President Logan is telling C.T.U. the military is on the search and the military said they don't know what's going on. Big goings on. When President Logan does it that means it's not a crime.
9:23: Come on, Mike, President Logan has been doing a damned good job of leading the country through the crisis over the last 18 hours. It seems like if he knew what was going to happen, he should have been doing a MUCH better job, right? It's like he had the answers to the test on a piece of paper during the test and he still was asking his neighbors what to do.
9:29: I don't think Miles is as big a jerk as he pretends to be either. I don't think Chloe is smarter than everyone either. Just with computer codes and stuff.
9:30: GIRL FIGHT!!! I don't think Chloe should have told her about President Logan's plot against America.
9:32: You can always tell the type of President that isn't getting the respect they deserve as president because they keep saying things like "I am the president, don't forget that."
9:38: First Lady Logan really isn't as young or sexy as she thinks she is. Aaron Pierce doesn't care.
9:40: President Logan as king. King Charles. He is above the law because he knows best what the country needs. I might eventually watch this season again and do a better job documenting the parallels between Charles Logan and George Bush.
9:42: Wait. Chloe was able to walk out of C.T.U. that easily? THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SECURE BUILDING!
9:43: Jack MacBauer. Too bad it took Jack Bauer 40 minutes to find the heated pipe, otherwise he could have been more of a factor in this episode. He could have been somebody.
9:43: JBKC: 1 (Secretary Heller's security detail)
9:50: JBKC: 1 (Henderson baddie)
JBKC: 1 (Henderson baddie)
NJBD: 1 (Secretary Heller's security detail)
JBKC: 2 (Henderson baddie)
9:51: "Our government has no integrity." That's right, but who knew Jack Bauer was a democrat?
9:53: This is so stupid. GO GET THE TAPE, JACK BAUER.
9:55: Anyone who didn't predict this ending down to being able to write out the dialogue doesn't know anything about "24"
5 JBKC, 0 tortures, 1 NJBD, Prediction Ratio n/a
Jack Bauer still needs some more JBKCs to catch up to everyone else on the show, but a couple more episodes like this and he'll be right back in the running.
Totals for the season, 35 JBKCs, 5 tortures, 123 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 45% (5 out of 11)
OK that hot pipe thing melting off his handcuff ties was ABSURD. i wont argue the physics of Jack's little magic trick except to say that it was macgyver-esque. Another festering blemish in asea of 24 bacne is the whole careless tape handling situation. When the entire government, black ops, military, satelites, CTU and essentially the entire universe was looking for him, why wasnt the first thing jack did with the frickin tape when he got free from the bank was to go to Kinkos to MAKE MORE TAPES?? wouldnt you want to duplicate the only shred of evidence that exonerates you, takes down the most powerful (yet bumbling) government on the planet, and whose existance might be the only thing that keeps you alive? really jack? just throw that puppy in your pocket and get back on the road in a stolen police cruiser with martial law in effect, roadblocks everywhere (supposedly) and the feds, soldiers, cops, seals, and assassins all looking for you. i mean what could possibly happen?
That being said, i thought this was the best 24 episode yet. If they would just kill off that one-trick pony chloe, It would almost be a pretty good show.
3:02 PM
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