This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Monday, May 15, 2006

24: Episode 22, 4 AM - 5 AM

Key Words: , ,
What do we know? We know that regardless of the fact that millions of Americans were screaming simultaneously at the TV during last week's show for Jack Bauer to play the tape for someone, anyone, ANYONE! Apparently, they only delayed the show by 20 minutes and not 30, which would have made more sense. And apparently, I missed the ambush scene and about 10 NJBDs.
9:31: Motherfucker. I can't believe I just missed the first 10 minutes. This is just another reason to resent President Bush…
9:33: So who was torturing Aaron Pierce? Why is the president bargaining with him? And who is this other Secret Service agent? There's a reason the Secret Service doesn't work for the president, and I think Charles Logan is the reason.
9:37: There's nothing more annoying than someone getting a hundred lucky bounces and then gloating about it. The president had a gun in his mouth 20 minutes ago and now he's king of the world.
9:40: Buchannon just said "What would David Palmer do?" WWDPD, I want a bracelet.
9:42: Oh, the politics of survival. I think Christopher Henderson is a neo-con.
9:43: I'm actually really enjoying this scene between Jack Bauer and Henderson. It's a joust of Jack Bauer and someone who can at least carry Jack Bauer's underwear.
9:50: "Not a Phoenix. It's a poison pill firewall." Oh, Chloe, you've been doing so well lately. And now you've gone and said something annoying! Damn it!
9:51: What an inopportune time for the First Lady to be wandering aimlessly in a stable.
9:52: Yeah, it's definitely not in the Secret Service code to point a gun at the First Lady. That's for sure.
9:53: YES! NJBD: 1 (Evil Secret Service Agent). Way to go, First Lady! Wait, what's wrong with Aaron Pierce? Is he going to become the first person in the history of media to be killed by a gun butt hit to the head? That would be remarkable.
9:58: So Henderson said this guy would be able to tell if there was a wire and yet it's OK for C.T.U. to hang out outside? That makes sense.
10:01: "24" is really getting some great cameos this year. This bad guy is a face, right? I've seen him before.
10:02: I bet Christopher Henderson's double cross was some sort of rouge…
10:03: JBKC: 1 (Molina)
10:04: Christopher Henderson obviously had this planned out, so why wouldn't he tell Jack Bauer in advance? I guess he just wanted Jack Bauer to look stupid. Well, Chris, it worked.
10:10: Next year, it should be "24" starring Aaron Pierce and Curtis Manning. I'd watch that show and I wouldn't ever complain.
10:13: Is this the first time that Jack Bauer has warned someone and they've sprung immediately into action? I think so.
10:13: NJBD: 1 (The Captain)
10:14: NJBD: 10? (The sailors)
10:15: I can't believe "24" had the balls to let Bierko escape, and let him have a back up plan that includes a Russian submarine. This is a total "I'm Keith Hernandez" moment. They think we'll believe anything. Next week there's going to be a pizzly bear, just wait.
1 JBKC, 0 tortures, 21 NJBD, Prediction Ratio n/a
2 hour finale next week. Should be great. Or watchable at least. I may actually have to watch part of the show on some sort of tape delay. We'll see. We'll see.
Totals for the season, 37 JBKCs, 5 tortures, 148 NJBDs, Prediction Ratio 45% (5 out of 11)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Aaaron fails to point out is that for the first 10 minutes he was bombarding me (ie annoying me) with questions about what happened on the first 10 minutes. Apparently he was too busy watching Hannity and Colmes...

9:13 AM

Blogger bleeeeeeeeeeeeeee said...

.. .. ...

12:19 PM


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