Merriam-Webster Online
You now have to pay to use Merriam-Webster Online. How are we supposed to look up our words for Boggle? I'm pretty upset.
This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.
You now have to pay to use Merriam-Webster Online. How are we supposed to look up our words for Boggle? I'm pretty upset.
If you want to be humbled, check out this geography quiz. Test Your Geography Knowledge- Africa You can test yourself on other areas such as the US, Europe, and Asia. I found the African test particularly galling because in Middle School I knew the locations of all the African nations.
This afternoon, while I was sitting on the couch, a hawk snatched a pigeon from the sky right in front of the window. They landed on the ground with a loud thump and I looked out the window to see the hawk nervously watching the cars drive by while the pigeon flapped its wings slower and slower. I didn't think stuff like that happened in cities, but apparently it does. It was definitely interesting.