This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Monday, January 16, 2006

24: Episode 3, 9 AM - 10 AM

Key Words: ,

Last night’s part of the four hour premier party has us all hot and heavy. Let’s get right into it.
8:01: The scenes from last week lead off with the Martha Logan/David Palmer phone call conspiracy. Seems to lend it a lot of credence. The intrigue begins.
8:03: I should have been counting how many people that were killed by someone else besides Jack Bauer. I’ll start now remembering from last episode as much as possible. These will be called Non Jack Bauer Deaths: (3, David Palmer (episode 1), Security Guard from Airport (episode 2), Hostage with cell phone (episode 3))
8:07: Jack Bauer just put technology to work about 2 seasons too late. I wonder how handy a picture phone would have been in either of the last two seasons.
8:11: The first foreigner has been identified as a Russian. Or a former Russian, he’s from one of the breakaways.
8:14: President Logan showing again that he’s unfit to lead the country. Anger? Check. Inability to deal with opinions counter to his own? Check. Who does this sound like?
8:16: Jack Bauer isn’t fighting for just the country anymore, he’s fighting for Dianne.
8:20: “Spare the agency patter, just get it done.” President Logan was born to delegate.
8:22: NJBD: 1 (Hostage)
8:32: Spencer knows more about bandwidth processing than anyone. Glad he’s on the team.
8:32: Aaron the Secret Service guy is back! Yay! I thought Secret Service guys were one president men. The sluts.
8:33: I think that that was the first time I ever saw anyone peeing on TV. That was new and fresh!
8:35: Nice to see a first lady using her dwindling sexuality to get what she wants. She wasn’t born yesterday you know.
8:38: OK here’s the thing. The terrorist said they were going to kill Derrick in 15 minutes. That was 14 minutes ago. Jack just said they’re going to kill Derrick in less than 3 minutes. What gives? I’m thinking this isn’t going to be the last time that the chronology of the show comes into question.
8:40: What an engaging and charming terrorist, trying to keep Derrick calm before he kills him.
8:41: Is Jack going to kill the terrorists with his cell phone?
8:41: Yes. JBKC: 1 (terrorist)
8:43: “The man we’re talking about is Jack Bauer.” Isn’t it always? If not, it should be.
8:44: “You tell me everything and I will decide which details are important.” President Logan is George W. Bush.
8:49: “How dare you barge in here!” Matha’s assistant, Evelyn, isn’t too convincing.
8:50: Why exactly are the communications archives in Los Angeles?
8:53: I wonder if that airport terminal has Wi-Fi, the terrorist seems to think so.
8:55: Jack Bauer is in custody. Jack Bauer is in custody.
Final Thoughts:
JBKC: 1, torture scenes 0, NJBD: 2, Prediction Ratio: n/a
I’m not quite sure what to think except the show is going to be pretty boring if Jack Bauer is in custody for an entire hour.

Totals for the season, 8 JBKCs, 1 torture, NJBD: 4, Prediction Ratio 50%.


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