Royal Buffet
This evening, JR and I went to the Royal Buffet in Loew's Plaza in Cranston. After surveying the buffet options and sitting down with our first plate, JR said "This is a great place to blog about" and so I am. Although this place comes off as a Chinese buffet, more than half of the buffet options were of non-Chinese options. (Note: Chinese in this instance refers to what Americans think of as Chinese and not traditional Chinese cuisine.) There was french fries, hard rolls, onion rings, stuffed mushrooms, and apple pie. And there was seafood as well, which is how I think they pack them in. I don't go in much for seafood buffets, but I thought I'd check out the crab legs because it seemed like everyone was piling their plates high. The best part about this restaurant was what they were playing on the stereo right before we left. A cover of Michael Jackson's Beat It, in Chinese. Brilliant.
We got Jersey Girl from Netflix, the power of the queue and Kevin Smith. Anyway, this is one of those times where you watch a train wreck involving an actor or director you've previously enjoyed knowing full well all previous happy memories will be forever tarnished. It's unfortunate, when this happens, but what can you do? There are those that would say Kevin Smith's train wrecks started with every movie after Clerks, but I liked Mallrats and Chasing Amy. (Incidentally, JR has been laughing quite a bit, it's a little embarrassing.)
Sandra Day O'Connor announced her retirement today. I know there's going a knockdown dragout about who Bush nominates to replace her and probably again if/when Rehnquist leaves. We're about to weather some major political storms, but I wonder how the next several months will be remembered in history. It's likely BushCo will nominate someone totally reprehensible to the Democrats, but it's possible that that nominee will serve the court with distinction and not be a board member for Haliburton. If that's the case, history will soon forget the contentious months we're about to experience.
And finally, this is latest gadget I covet, a teenie, weenie, digi-cam.
On the subject of Jersey movies, did you like Garden State? I've talked to some people that really connected to the movie saying that it really reminded them a lot of what their hometown was like. I can agree a little bit with that... but Natalie Portman really seems to ruin the movies I've seen lately. I didn't really like it... I don't think I even watched it to the end (wouldn't star wars have been a lot better without her?).
10:33 AM
p.s. - I saw those Casio cameras in Japan... they really are very small...
10:35 AM
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