This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

24: Episode 2, 8 AM - 9 AM

Key Words: , , , ,

9:13: Edgar just provided conclusive proof that Jack Bauer was the guy who killed Palmer. Doesn't Frank Flynn have a pretty good alibi? "Audrey, I don't want to believe this any more than you do" but we're going to need something to keep the authorities from helping Jack Bauer for as long as possible.
9:27: JBKC: 1 (FBI agent, wrong place, wrong time)
9:30: Jack Bauer is in. Am I the only one who finds this completely unbelievable? I mean Jack Bauer walks into a building full of officers from every agency involved in law enforcement and not a single one of those officers recognizes Jack Bauer from the convention in Miami a couple years back? No one from academy? What kind of show is this?
9:30: (Palmer uses an iMac) Jack Bauer is on the computer in the study and the only one who catches him is David Palmer’s brother. Right.
9:33: David Palmer got elected with a 60% plurality? That’s what I would call a mandate. Imagine the "political capital" he had to spend. Last year I was convinced that all the brutal torture in the show was a way of showing the American people why American’s shouldn’t torture. (Because torture sucks). Then I got confused because Fox would probably be the last channel on the dial to be sending that type of message. Now they’ve mentioned political capital twice. What gives?
9:37: CTU uses HP computers. No wonder they can’t do anything right, they’re hindered technologically.
9:38: Does anyone else think that the David Palmer All State commercials are kind of strange? This is sort of like when newscasters are in movies giving fake news. Now that David Palmer is dead are the All State commercials going to be less effective? I think so.
9:42: First foreigner. What does this mean?
9:44: JBKC: 2 (Random good guy, wrong place wrong time.)
9:45: JBKC: 3(Random good guy, wrong place wrong time.)
9:45: I bet Derrick is driving the van.
9:46: Damn it, just Chloe.
9:51: If it were me, I would leave Derrick at a mall somewhere and tell his mom to pick him up there. But, you know, that’s just me. I don’t have the training that Jack Bauer has.
9:53: Oh and if I had dropped Derrick off, I wouldn’t have been able to have this conversation with him, telling him, "I really do care about you. I care about your mother. I hope one day you can understand that." This is why 24 wins Emmys, the drama.
9:56: YES! Martha IS insane and they didn’t make us wait 6 weeks to prove it. Thank you, 24!
9:58: I’m sensing that we’re supposed to think the Russian President’s helicopter is the target, but that that’s just what they want us to think. So far I’m 0 for 1 on predictions, though.
10:03: “I lied to you, I lied to you about a lot of things.” You’re damn right you did, Jack Bauer. Now how can Derrick and his mom get involved in danger?
10:06: I’m conflicted. I was going to give a JBKC for Chevinsky, the chubby security guard, but Jack Bauer just pushed him down and he was fully conscious when he ate his poison pill. Also, I’m not sure whether to count this as a torture scene or not. I’m saying yes to torture, no to JBKC.
10:06: Oh, this is how Derrick and his mom are going to get into danger. Derrick is a spy in training and he’s going to warn Jack Bauer. An attack on the airport? My second prediction was correct. 24 prediction ratio: 50%. 10:08: 24 just turned into one of my favorite movies. WHO THE F CREATES A HOSTAGE SITUATION OUT OF AN AIRPORT TERMINAL? I mean, come on! Really?! They couldn’t go to a bank? A school wouldn’t have less security?
10:09: Walt’s a bad guy? Martha Logan was right? Oh man. They’ve just gone and flipped so many switches.
Final thoughts:
3 JBKCs, 1 torture, Prediction Ratio: 50%. I think I’m not going to get into discussing the “Next week on 24” as that stuff is never as important as it should be.

Totals for the season, 7 JBKCs, 1 torture, Prediction Ratio: 50%.


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