This is where I talk about my life, my wedding, and 24.

Monday, May 16, 2005

"Inventions" Part One

Flipping through my "ideas" book (which carries the label "Pictures of boobs" to keep people off the scent) I see a large number of inventions I've thought up that have, well, already been invented.

That's not to say that I thought up these ideas based on something I saw on the internet or in a store--I legitimately invented them, only to find out later that someone else already had. This has been going on for a few years now, and I've developed a theory (hopefully my own) that it's something running through my family. My father has an extensive history of inventing things, then deciding that they're inventions nobody would buy, and then finding them on the market a year or two later selling with wild success (Noodles, etc.)

My inventions, on the other hand, tend to be ideas I think many a person would enjoy and happily make me rich by purchasing.

The first significant example is the cell phone dock that allows you to use the service of your cell phone in the land-line phones in your house. This was an idea for people who have no land line in their home but want to use their regular phones. Using the dock, the cell phone becomes the phone service and is hooked to your entire home phone system. It would allow you to take advantage of limited areas in your home where there is cell service and could cut down on "harmful" cell phone radiation. The dock could have multiple ports for multiple phones and include different ring patterns to let you know who was the important person this time. Of course the dock would also have a charger built in.

The sad news.
Nobody offers the multiple port feature, so I still have a chance!

In Part 2 of this Blogspot: More inventions, more sad news.


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